Find Something Wild

  • Oregon North Coast

    From Tillamook to Astoria, Oregon offers a variety of rivers from small to big. These are challenging rivers, offering the chance of big rewards. Fresh fish, near the ocean, rafting down wild rivers…. This is a game of obsession, the longer you go between bites only fuels the fire hotter. If this description gets you clenching your teeth in anticipation, lets talk!

    Daytrips available from January through March, with conditions dictating the river(s) of the day.


  • Clackamas River

    The Clackamas river is one of the closest rivers to Portland and is undergoing a strong resurgence. Due to modern improvements in fish passage at River Mill Dam, and habitat restoration projects throughout the watershed, the Clackamas river is seeing it’s anadromous fish populations returning in vastly improved numbers.

    My focus on the Clackamas is its later returning wild winter steelhead in March and April, as well as its early returning Spring chinook and hatchery summer steelhead in May and June.

    These are jet boat trips with lunch included.


Oregon North Coast

Clackamas River